Missing Full or Partial Invoice
Our claims team requires every page of the itemized invoice that includes discounts, taxes, & total billed amount
Missing Diagnosis or Reason for Visit
A clear diagnosis or reason for visit must be included as part of your MyEmbrace claim submission or on your claim form if submitting via email, fax, or mail.
Missing Medical Records
To process accident and illness claims, we require detailed medical records from all veterinarians that your pet visited in the 12 months prior to the start of your policy (or since they came into your home for puppies, kittens, or recently adopted pets) through the end of the illness waiting period
We request these records directly from your vet, but if they’re not received after two requests, your claim is placed on hold. You can help by asking your vet to submit the requested records to us by email at claims@embracepetinsurance.com or by fax to (800) 238-1042
If your pet had any temporarily pre-existing conditions, we may need additional medical records to determine whether they can be expired & coverage granted
How to Provide Missing Information
Email additional documents to claims@embracepetinsurance.com or upload them via your MyEmbrace customer account.
Note: Files must be sent as attachments no larger than 5MB. This is an unmonitored email address – we’re unable to respond to messages & questions sent here.